LNS Builders Ltd

the best builder in wales

A major concern homeowners often express is the inability to find locally trusted builders. But finding a good builder depends on what property project you are trying to achieve.

Developers who may be looking to build new homes quickly and cheaply will look for a quick sell to maximise profits. For them, good builders will be fast, efficient and as well as charging cheap labour.

Whereas homeowners looking to build their dream home for the first-time may consider a more thoughtful builder who provides them with essential advice and provides a slower, more unique approach.

Each of these approaches is completely different and builders will vary in their specialised skills and results. However, regardless of the type or size of the project, there are certain qualities that all good builders will have that you should look out for.

1. Personality

You may not realise that finding a builder with a good personality is key. Whatever your property project clear communication is going to be needed between you and your builder so it should be someone you can see yourself getting on with.

Personalities that connect and resonate with you will promote a good working relationship, which is required to get your project completed on-time.

Property constructions and renovations can be tough journeys, it is always helpful to have a friendly guide to get you through it.

2. Flexibility

The construction world is full of surprises. It’s simply not possible to predict any problems like damaged deliveries, incorrect materials or rot or moulding in the walls that were unexpected.

We know that these things happen and our builders are always prepared to deal with any property problem as it arises.

However, unexpected events in your social life and family life may also halt works too – for example, illnesses may result in you postponing the work, therefore, it is essential that you require a builder that is flexible and understanding.

Luckily most builders work around a flexible schedule so that they can best serve your property needs whenever works best for you.

As builders wear many hats, it will be easy for them to coordinate and rearrange plumbers and electrical works.

3. Ownership

Another trait you will want to look for is your builder is passion. You want to see them take charge of the project like it is their own. This will ensure you choose a builder who has prioritises attention to detail and wants to make sure that every little detail is perfect for your approval.

Builders who keep the household and home spotless after visits is a builder who cares about the quality and overall finish of their work.

They will take your property problems and make them their problems always striving to find cost-effective solutions.

4. Inquisitive

It’s very important that your builder asks you a lot of questions about your plans and specifications. This will ensure that you are in control of the project and get to have your say on the final result.

It’s essential that the builder understands your vision for the project in order to communicate properly the designs with the architect that addresses any structural issues or design alterations.

The more questions your builder asks the more they are looking for possible problems so that they can provide effective solutions if they arise.

5. Honest

As a new build or construction project is a big investment, it can be very challenging. Good builders will be open and honest about all costs, rates, billing and scheduling before commencing phases of the construction.

It’s important for builders to communicate complete and clear transparency in order to deliver successful projects that make their clients happy.

A good builder will get into the practice of saving receipts, managing all the finances, documenting all the work and passing them along to the client for budgetary review.

Costs and rates should all be discussed upfront and agreed upon before the builder commences any further with the work. This will ensure there are no hidden surprises that pop up and cause tensions later on.

Essential construction worker skills:

  • Strength
  • Stamina
  • Determination
  • Mechanical knowledge
  • Mathematical skills
  • Critical reasoning and resourcing skills
  • Coordination